Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My first pattern!

I finally bit the bullet and tried a pattern.  I only had to read the thing 1347384 times and look up most of the lingo but I DID IT! 

Addy needs to wear a uniform for school and finding uniforms for a 2T are hard and can get expensive so I decided to try and make one myself.  I chose this pattern for my first time.  It looks uniformy to me.

Simplicity It's So Easy 2511 at the local WallyMart for a nice $3.00.
I picked up some nice durable twill khaki fabric for $1.50 a yard!  I <3 my local Walmart. 

And here's the result.

That is ONE LONG SKIRT!  I had to take that part up a bit but if she has a ginormous growth spurt this year we are covered. 

I'm quite pleased that I was able to finish and learned a how to use the zipper foot and put in a zipper.  The lingo and directions threw me off and the pattern symbols look like chinese but I used online websites like for helpful tutorials on how to do crap.  I'm so thankful for the internet.

 I plan on making some more skirts and maybe another jumper so Addy's school wardrobe this year will be set...all for under $20!

Now if I could just figure out how to sew a polo shirt...

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