Friday, March 19, 2010

Sewing tip of the day...

Buy a good seam ripper.  That is all.

LOL I'm trying to construct a T Shirt dress for Addy and silly me- instead of going by a PATTERN which normal people would do- I'm just winging it.  Needless to say, the darn thing is super tight and looks like a spandex rocker dress.  Um.  This may not be appropriate for my sweet girly TWO year old.  I didn't have a seam ripper so I used a steak knife.  I'm all about adapting.  This project may take longer than I expected.

Which makes me think of another tip.  If you aren't sure of what the hell you are doing, don't reinforce your seam with two lines of zig zag stitches before actually trying the dress on your kid.  It took awhile to rip those suckers out.

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