Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lets talk about weight loss for a sec...

Okay so I gained a bunch of weight with Addy ::cough80poundscough:: and for two years I've been working like crazy to get it off.  I've worked out 6 days a week, an hour a day, put myself on a very strict high protein-low carb diet, followed all the rules, and even went all compulsive JillianMichealspsychobitch crazy and tracked everything I ate all.the.time. while training for a marathon and following the P90X workout program.  It's been exhausting.  And I've lost 20 pounds...in two years. 

I've been very frustrated wanting the scale to move and it just WON'T so I decided a month ago that screw it.  I was done.  I'll work out....when I feel like it.  I'll eat okay but if I want a damn french fry I'm gonna eat one!  And dinner in a box??? MAYBE.  I'll have some mac and cheese.  It's all about moderation right? 

Well I've lost more weight in the last few weeks than I have in months.  Weird.  I think I'm on to something.

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