Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I'm running with this craft thing

YAY! I bought a sewing machine! For years I've talked about sewing and finally just did it. I purchased a starter Brother LX3125 machine at the Wal-Mart and went to town learning and trying to absorb all the skill I can through the interwebs. I've been scouring the net looking for free tutorials and lessons and there is a TON of information out there. What the hell did we do before the internet? I decided that instead of buying fabric I was going to repurpose old clothing so that a.) it was free and b.) if I screwed up I wouldn't be pissed and cuss a storm because of the $7.00 I paid on fabric. I'm a bit thrifty that way.

First project: Turning one of Addy's recieving blankets into a pair of pants. I used contrasting thread so I could see my stitches which really helped. Now I decided that I'm just going to go by the tutorials online and don't have a pattern so I took a pair of Addy's leggings and made my own pattern. Lets just say I learned a lot from this first project....like seam allowances are your friends and your finger CAN get caught and it hurts... 

First pair of pants = WAAAAYYY to small and WTH is going on with the crotch?  But I'm pretty darn proud that I sewed a crooked line with only minor injury and no blood so I rate this a PASS. These have to be the UGLIEST leggings I've ever seen but whatever it's my first time.

Next project: Now I've gained a bit of confidence after some minor mishaps resulting in a weird and very large nest of thread after trying to sew a straight line, having to rethread the darn machine twenty billion times, and hurt finger- I decide I am going to recreate the pants using this tutorial:  Make it and Love It
 The chick that writes this blog is my new girl crush. I've been stalking her blog for days now and she has the best tutorials and advice. Because of the blog above my second attempt at pants came out surprisingly much better:
AND notice the ruffling??? Those were a pain in the butt and are extremely unruly but the cuteness outweighs the annoyance. My lines are crooked- the ruffles are hilariously off kilt- but it's a definite improvement from the last go around and I didn't lose a finger!  So PASS! They even fit this time! So Wooohooo! I made something!

My next project is a dress repurposed from a T shirt. Should be interesting.

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