Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Craft time!

I like hobbies- I think it's very important to have a hobby that you find relaxing. I love crafts and have always been uber jealous of my crafty friends and their skills. I've never really explored my crafty side as an adult because honestly, who the hell has time for all that? But I decided one day while shopping with my gorgeous friend Janae, that I was tired of talking about all the wonderful things I wish I had time to make and I was just going to do it.

Janae told me about a wonderful idea she did for her now 12 year old spunky daughter....she purchased some chalkboard paint and painted a table. BRILLIANT idea! We just so happened to be in Ikea at the time of this awesome nugget of info so I jumped at the chance.

Wouldn't you know it? Ikea didn't dissappoint. I purchased a side table for $7.99 and a chair for $9.99 and got to work. THAT's a great deal people, and I LOVE a great deal.

Here is the end result!

Addy enjoying her new table. She LOVES this thing. She eats at it now as well. All we do is cover it with a little table cloth for dinner time!

This has unleashed a crafty beast in me. Yay for hobbies!

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