Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm in denial...

I don't have a one year old. I can't. This year has just flown by.

I cannot believe a year has passed. One year ago today, I was an emotional wreck. I was so nervous about having a C-section and so nervous about becoming a mom. I was uncomfortable, swollen, and crying. I drove around for about an hour listening to Journey and crying my eyes out. I wasn't sad, just so completely happy and anxious! I couldn't wait to meet little Addybear and smell her sweet skin. I tried to wrap my mind around what it would be like to hold her for the first time or hear her for the first time. Nothing can prepare you for the actual experience. Jim and I were just overwhelmed with excitement and anticipation...running around making sure the room was ready...making sure we had diapers, wipes, and all the neccessities.

The one good thing about having a scheduled C-section birth is that you get to plan around it. You can spend the day before preparing and can even have that last meal as a non mommy. Mine was Olive Garden with a huge slab of chocolate cheesecake for dessert. I deserved it. I grew a baby for nine months! I think she appreciated the cake. My cake cravings during my pregnancy just might be one of the reasons why Addy loves cake so much now...oops.

Now she's a year old. She's trying to walk, trying to talk, and showing her personality everyday. She is a sweet, playful, outgoing, curious, inquisitive and cheerful little girl. She is full of smiles and laughter..even in the morning..I KNOW she didn't get that from me. She is independent and will not hesitate to explore a room without me...she always looks back to make sure I'm watching, of course.

I am so proud to be her mother. Everyday I look at her in awe and think of how blessed I truly am to have such a beautiful, healthy daughter. I feel that I am the luckiest woman on earth... We are truly blessed.

And with that...I leave you with her happy dance. :)

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