It's been awhile since I've posted any updates. We are getting geared up for Addy's birthday and she had a bout of strep to get over. She is fine now and back to her giggly self. She also cut another tooth! She has 4 on the bottom and 3 on top. No more gummy smiles....I can't believe she will be one next week. Where has the year gone?
I was searching my sister, Jessica's, camera over the weekend and found a picture of the very first time I ever got to hold my baby. For a year I've been bummed because I didn't think that anyone got a picture of just me and her for the first time. So thank you, Jessica, you made my week. :) 
She is getting so big and is getting such a personality! I can't believe that my little baby is turning into such an independent little girl. She is definitely starting to show her personality. :)
Here she is when she is supposed to be taking a nap...
She's so adorable! I turned on the video and Matt said "is that E"? LOL they are so similar it's crazy
Thank you! She is definitely starting to show her personality!
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