Addy had an amazing first birthday! The celebration kicked off with a bang on Wednesday with her first birthday pancakes. I'm going to make this a tradition.
Then she got her first of many presents, the ball pit/kiddie pool. She was not too impressed. Maybe she will grow into it. LOL.

Cake time!! Addy loves cake.

Saturday was our big day for her birthday party! We invited quite a few of her baby friends and many showed up to celebrate. We definitely had a full house! Addy really seemed to enjoy herself.

Let's open some presents! She got a lot of goodies from her friends. Everyone was very sweet.

Baby-in-a-Bag...not sold in stores...
And her favorite present of all time from Aunt Jessica...I can't get her out of this thing. She loves it.
She also received her very first cell phone in hopes that she might stop throwing mine around. LOL. I foresee a multitude of fender benders in our future...
PSA: Texting while driving is dangerous...
She definitely had a fabulous birthday and I couldn't be more proud of her. She even took a couple of steps for us later on. I cannot believe how fast she is growing. My baby is turning into a little girl.