Friday, July 30, 2010


I really suck at keeping up the blog.  So.  Let's start with the most pressing piece of information that has happened in July. 

I GOT A JOB!!  YIPEE!  Not that I didn't love love love spending time with Miss SassyPants, but I'm much better as a working mom.  For some reason, I'm just way more efficient with a forty hour a week job added to my plate.  The problem I faced staying at home was that the days I spent accomplishing my list of ToDos- A was left to watch TV and color and pretty much just hang out so I felt miserable guilty for not stimulating her better.  And then the days that I devoted the day to Addy- I felt horribly guilty for not being able to keep up with the normal day to day things.  It was weird.  I had soo much time on my hands, but I didn't know how to use it efficiently.  The time I got to spend with Addy is so precious to me.  Losing that job I hated and that company I won't name was the best thing to ever happen to me this year.

And now I have a great job with a fabulous growing company doing something I love.  Life is good. 

Now if I can just get the blogging down.  :)  Next up:  Hubs' birthday bash and our trip to the beach!!

We've had a great summer.

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