Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Woah it's been forever.  A lot has been going on!  Ramping up to May is always hectic because it's the start of birthday season!  We have birthdays every weekend and it's so much fun.  Addy LOVES to party.  She loves getting dressed up and seeing her friends. 

But May also means another year older and that makes me sad sometimes.  Time passes too quickly and she's growing way to fast.  She's becoming an idependent little girl with her own ideas and thoughts and I'm so proud of her.  SO very proud.  I'm amazed at her ability to learn and absorb everything around her and how she applies what she has learned.  What an amazing little girl.  Who is going to be TWO.  I wish I had the superpower to stop time. 

Playing in the yard

Chasing the dogs

I've discovered that she has a love for flowers and anything outside so for her birthday this year, our project is to create an outdoor play area complete with swingset and sandbox.  I hope she loves it. 

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