Thursday, August 27, 2009

Addy's brilliance

I was having a coversation the other day about babies that are brilliant and know 40 words at 13 months. Addy did not know 40 words at 13 months but it seems in the last couple of months, her vocabulary has exploded. So I started thinking about Addy's vocabulary and realized that I've never really written down how many words she can actually say.

So here is her list of words:

mama<--------obviously my favorite. She has a plush toy makeup compact with a smiley face in the shape of a heart that she affectionately calls "mama". ::swoon::
dada<---the first word she ever said. Jim is so proud
Dut= duck
mormor= more
peaze= please
tank oo=thank you and her new favorite word which is ridiculously cute and very well mannered. She brought me a book the other day, said "tankoooo" and then threw it at me.
diaper= this one is new!
appo= apple
whas dat= what's that
eye which follows with a nice poke in they eye. We are still working on "gentle".
cacko = cracker

and she *may* have said the word "asshole" but I haven't heard it since and I'm seriously hoping it was just gibberish despite the fact that she spoke it plain as day. I need to control my language in the car apparently.

So there it is...proof that she's brilliant. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahaha! love it!
kinda like when jesse said "oh shit!" after he had spun the lazy susan too fast on grandmas table and all of the stuff on top with flying around the room. everyone stopped what they were doing and looked right at me and said "Tammy!"

like how do they know he learned it from ME?! ;)