Then off to see the flamingos..

Addy had the best seat at the zoo!
Mr. Aardvark...
An impromptu photo shoot...
Addy met a horse!
The Mcgraths at the zoo!
We hope to go back soon!
On the way home from the zoo I passed a field of bluebonnets and couldn't resist another photo shoot. I remember mom used to take pictures of us in the flowers when we were little. :)
She was only interested in eating the flowers though...
Saturday we went to Grandma Jessie's where Addy recieved her first Easter basket!
Addy loves her stuffed duck!
And Gramma gave Addy her first piece of chocolate...mmmmm...
I'd say she liked it!
Grampa Ron gave her a dancing hopping bunny that made her giggle...

She loves to play with whiffle balls...
Is there anything else in there??
Alright she's over it.
We hope everyone had a happy and safe Easter!
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