Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Fun at Gymboree!

This past Sunday I met with some other moms and babies from my mom's group at the local gymboree. It's really a great place to help babies and toddlers with motor skills and development. They sing songs and work on crawling, walking, pulling up, ect. Addy had a great time with all her friends!

She would NOT let go of that purple ball. I had to pry it from her fingers when we did the clapping songs.

She loved the song time...

This little boy, Jack, is enjoying a mum mum. Mum mums = crispy sugar rice cookies of baby yumminess. She loooves them... as you can see from her mouthwatering gaze. She was soo close to yanking that mum mum and enjoying it herself. Thankfully she got her own right after this photo was taken.

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