Monday, September 21, 2009
The Battle of Sleep
I kick Jim out of the room because she knows that he will pick her up and he can't stop playing with her and I tell her in my stern mommy voice that it’s time for night night not playtime and she needs to lay down which she does with a plop and a whine. Then as I’m leaving she starts SCREAMING and flailing about the crib because obviously night night is the end of the world in baby logic and she might die if she has to go to sleep. This kid does not want to go to bed. So I lay her back down in her crib, tell her night night and lay on the floor next to her so she knows I’m going night night too. This little trick always works!
Next thing I hear is Addy going “Momma! Momma! ::smooch smooch:: MOMMA! ::smooch smooch smooch::"
I look up to see this adorable child peeking through the slats of the bed- holding out her hand towards me and making kissing noises at me. How DARE she be soo adorable! Of course I had to kiss her! Which led to more playing of the kissing game, which led to me taking her out of the crib so we could play with her toys. Stern mommy mode went straight out the window and little Addy won the battle. Addy 1; Mommy 0.
Jim, of course, found great humor in this.
Monday, September 14, 2009
We bought our first potty.

Monday, August 31, 2009
It's potty time!
Addy came toddling into the living room yesterday frantically pointing at her diaper and saying "diapee" babble babble babble "peepooo" babble babble. It took me a few seconds to realize that she was trying to tell me that she needed to go poo! Even typing this is making me laugh out loud as it's not really something to stop the presses about but I'm SO excited! I grabbed her up and let her know how proud I was of her for telling me. Poor kid was trying to do her business and mommy keeps going on and on and making such a big deal about it. There is no modesty when you are a toddler. I'm not sure if she's ready to start potty training, but it's a start. At least she's aware enough now to let me know what's going on! I'm so proud. :) It just makes me realize how much she's growing into such a little girl and catching on so quickly to her I can use this post as payback when she's sixteen and acting out. :)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Addy's brilliance
mama<--------obviously my favorite. She has a plush toy makeup compact with a smiley face in the shape of a heart that she affectionately calls "mama". ::swoon::
dada<---the first word she ever said. Jim is so proud
Dut= duck
mormor= more
peaze= please
tank oo=thank you and her new favorite word which is ridiculously cute and very well mannered. She brought me a book the other day, said "tankoooo" and then threw it at me.
diaper= this one is new!
appo= apple
whas dat= what's that
eye which follows with a nice poke in they eye. We are still working on "gentle".
cacko = cracker
and she *may* have said the word "asshole" but I haven't heard it since and I'm seriously hoping it was just gibberish despite the fact that she spoke it plain as day. I need to control my language in the car apparently.
So there it is...proof that she's brilliant. ;)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Stink Eye
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Tank Oooo
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Wow I'm not a very good blogger. :)
Ooooh and more!!
I'm so excited that she's starting to pretend play. It's so sweet! This girl is my life.
She is now 15 months old and has quite a few words in her vocabulary and can understand even more. :) I'm so proud.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The bad part about new daycares is that there are new risks of getting sick and the new daycare had an outbreak of Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease. NOT FUN. Addy had a very very high fever of 104.4 last Friday and blisters all in her mouth. :( I stayed home with her for about five days until the blisters healed enough that she could drink again. But finally, I'm glad to say that she is back to her normal cheerful rambunctious self! She is walking and talking up a storm and will be running soon, I can feel it!
Here she is being silly!
Friday, June 26, 2009
I've been a bad blogger!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Addy's New Toy
Please excuse the hot shirtless guy in the pics. :)
Social Butterfly

She's such a ham. LOL.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Addy's First Birthday Bonanza

Let's open some presents! She got a lot of goodies from her friends. Everyone was very sweet.

And her favorite present of all time from Aunt Jessica...I can't get her out of this thing. She loves it.
She also received her very first cell phone in hopes that she might stop throwing mine around. LOL. I foresee a multitude of fender benders in our future...
PSA: Texting while driving is dangerous...
She definitely had a fabulous birthday and I couldn't be more proud of her. She even took a couple of steps for us later on. I cannot believe how fast she is growing. My baby is turning into a little girl.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
A year in pictures...
May 13, 2008

May 2008

June 2008, One Month Old:
July 2008, Two Months Old:
September 2008, Four Months Old:
November 2008, Six Months Old:

December 2008, Seven Months Old:

January 2009, Eight Months Old:

April 2009, Eleven Months Old!