She decided that she wanted to scooch over to our cat, Chelsea to make "friends"...

She seems very proud of herself. :)
She also tried to crawl and actually made some progress by scooching a bit. I really think she will be crawling by the end of the week. Yay Addy!
Here she is in her favorite toy: the jumperoo. Or as I like to call it; the jump-poo-roo; as every time she's in it she inevitably makes a nice diaper for me to change. :)
I just have to say....she is sooo stinkin cute and a genius. Obviously. :)
Socks: Much cheaper than obnoxious educational toys. If I would have thought of this sooner I could have saved some money at Christmas.
Later that evening, she had fun playing with the mirror. The dog, being the attention hound she is, had to make an appearance, too.
Here is Addy "helping" me wrap presents before Christmas...she did a great job!
So her first Christmas was a great one. She received lots of toys and some really fun outfits. She will be the best dressed kid at daycare thanks to her Gramma and Aunt Jessie!
On to New Years!